NaNoWriMo - At Least I'm Writing

I decided to delve into the world/culture of National Novel Writing Month.  There are only a few days left, and I'm nowhere near the 50,000 word goal.  However, I'm not stressing over it.  I have so many other stresses going on right now - in short life happens.  Work has gotten in the way, for various reasons, I had to pitch in around the house more than normal, taking the kids to swim lessons, etc.  Needless to say, I have spent time writing, but it's been sporadic at best.

I have managed to plan much of my story using Free Mind (which I highly recommend).  I do have some more to plan and more to write.  There is of course the editing process to go through as well.  I'm torn between editing it myself or asking someone to edit it for me.  So, with only a few thousand words, can I still say I'm a NaNoWriMo Participant?  I do have the web badge to prove it.  That makes it so, doesn't it?


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